May 8, 2019

From the Desk of the Seneschal:

A couple of reminders and announcements:

The next business meeting will be Tuesday, May 14 at the Tioga Branch public Library. Starting time is 6:30pm.

All are invited.

The group will be discussing the hosting of a one day event in August for the Kingdom A&S officer. It is going to be a day for novice/new people to be able to display their A&S projects and have kingdom Laurels talk with each of about their displays, documentation, judging and construction. The thought is to host a day to give knowledge, be available to help and encourage people to enter A&S competition. That’s not all, we are also encourage some fighting with this day of A&S. Fighters will enter at least one A&S project to enter fighting. Fighting will be much like to A&S with knights available to help them. The Methodist church in Shreveport has been secured for event.

Your input would be appreciated.

The shire will also be voting on spending money ($20 a month) for a storage unit to house all shire property. The intention of this is to get shire property in one location. We can then inventory, find out what shire needs and have workshops to improve and gain shire property.

Once again your input would be appreciated.

It’s being encouraged to hold some shire social like pot luck evening or maybe the shire getting together and attending an activity (doing something mundane together). As long as there’s no event every 5th Saturday could be a goal.

Any ideas on this would definitely be appreciated. Shire socials would be good for us all.

December the library will not be available for our business meeting. This would be a great opportunity to hold a Christmas Party and meeting. Anybody that would like to organize something like this please give thought on what you would like to see done.

One last thing it has been brought up and discussed to have at least one traveling fighter practice 3 times a year that could also be a shire gathering.

Please give input and what you might enjoy seeing.

I would like to thank each of you for your time and help that you graciously give to our group.

Thank you all for making Vogelburg a wonderful place for us all. I look forward to hearing ideas for everything.


April 3, 2019

Greetings Vogelburgians!

Our regularly scheduled business meeting was held at the Robertson public library in Tioga last evening and much was discussed. At length. The Seneschal asked that a couple of things be brought to the attention of the populace.

1. A proposal was made regarding the renting of a storage shed for Shire property. The Quartermaster and his administrative assistant have obtained a deal for us in which we acquire a fair sized commercial storage space for $20 per month with the first month free. I think most of us were in agreement that this sounded like a pretty good idea. There is a disclaimer, in that the shed will be in the Leesville area, where the Quartermaster and assistant reside. The exchequer advises that although the rent is month to month, the total cost over a year would probably place this in the realm of something we would need to vote on as a Shire. The seneschal has therefore decided that we will hold that vote at our next regularly scheduled business meeting, to be held Tuesday,May 14th, at the Robertson Library at 6pm.

2. The planning for our local event, Slay the Dragon, has begun! Our autocrat calls out for suggestions for classes. Is there a class you would like to teach, or one you would like to attend? Please email suggestions to THL Marjory de Warenne (Lisa Phillips) at

Aww, Hail!

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